Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mel's Goodies :)

These four naps are just to die for! Mel's customs, like usual, are a bunch of naps I want to keep for myself... I mean my daughter of course :P

These four (along with another 2 not pictured) will be on their way home to Mel on Monday from a part swap we conducted. Thank-you so much for choosing Dragonfly Magik Mel!

I hope you love these naps as much as I do LOL



Kat said...

That nappy next to the minky dot white one, is just gorgeous, I'm in love!!!

Dragonfly Magik said...

Awww thanks Kat :D

berniebabe said...

They are lovely <3 How does one get her hands on some customs? I would love to try some of your nappies