Friday, December 18, 2009

Facebook Stocking Today :)

Hiya Everyone :)

Just a quick head's up to let you know the DM facebook stocking will occur sometime over the next 5hrs ;) I know this is a broad time range but it allows everyone a fair chance at getting one as I know quite a few people have troubles with slow connections.

This will be the very last stocking you will see until approximately February 2010 so if you're after some Magik please be sure to check facebook out!

All orders must be paid via direct deposit only please!

I hope to see you at facebook some time today!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Swaps, Customs and our Facebook Page :D

Hiya Everyone :)

Sorry I have been a little slack with my blog. So much has been happening here that it's been a little hard for me to keep up *blush*

First up, here is a link to our Facebook Fan Page we will have Dragonfly Magik updates, stocking info and a place for you all to show off your beautiful bubbas in some Magik :D

And at long last, a sneak peak at what we have been working on! These are customs and swaps I have been a part of in the last few weeks :p

Now I am about to hit the machines and finish off some nappies for a facebook stocking! Could be today, could be tomorrow, it's a surprise so keep an eye out on here and our facebook page if you're on the market for some Magik!

Thanks everyone! I hope you're all happy, healthy and safe this silly season!