Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Swaps, Customs and our Facebook Page :D

Hiya Everyone :)

Sorry I have been a little slack with my blog. So much has been happening here that it's been a little hard for me to keep up *blush*

First up, here is a link to our Facebook Fan Page we will have Dragonfly Magik updates, stocking info and a place for you all to show off your beautiful bubbas in some Magik :D

And at long last, a sneak peak at what we have been working on! These are customs and swaps I have been a part of in the last few weeks :p

Now I am about to hit the machines and finish off some nappies for a facebook stocking! Could be today, could be tomorrow, it's a surprise so keep an eye out on here and our facebook page if you're on the market for some Magik!

Thanks everyone! I hope you're all happy, healthy and safe this silly season!

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