My goodness, has it really been 12months since we used our blog? Finally we've found one another again YAY!
I don't even know where to begin, so much has happened in our lives since my last post. We went through the Victorian floods and were very heavily affected..... I spent a great deal of time in and out of hospital with my mental health - the last stay back in August/September where I endured 6wks of ECT (shock therapy). Things have been rocky for us the past 24months but I'd like to think Dragonfly Magik hasn't been too badly affected over all :-)
At present we are conducting a co-op which is going to keep us fairly occupied for the next couple of months, but we'll be around and list the odd nappy here and there :-) We are also in the process of *maybe* having Dragonfly Magik appear on one other website for your viewing and buying pleasure. I will announce more information both here and Facebook when or if that occurs :-)
Today is my middle baby's 8th birthday and I have a house full of noisy children so best I sign off here.
Would love to hear what you have all been up to the past couple years :-)
Kirsty <3